Alumni Resource Center (ARC) FAQs

Below are frequently asked questions about the Alumni Resource Center (ARC). If after reading through the FAQs below you still do not see an answer to your question, contact and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Help! I’m trying to sign into Bridge but I keep getting an error message. What should I do?

Don’t worry! If you try to sign in and receive an error code such as (“error”:”session_not_found”) review the checklist below:  

  • Check your login link. You have two options:
  • Check your bookmarks. If you bookmarked the login page (, please un-bookmark it and restart a new window to log in. If you HAVE to bookmark the page, make sure to edit the link by removing everything after the “.com/login”. That way it stops re-using session tokens that are unintentionally saved. 
  • Clear your browser cache. Your browser cache may be overworked and unable to load Bridge. See the links below to clear your cache. Make sure that when you clear the cache it is set for the time range “all time,” that can make a difference. 
  • Try logging in with a different browser, or using a private/incognito window.
  • Try using a different device. (note: some devices owned by educational and professional organizations may be restrictive)

If you are still experiencing technical issues, contact ARC at

Are ARC and the ExchangeAlumni Portal the same thing?

No. The Alumni Resource Center (ARC) is a digital professional development hub for U.S. citizen ExchangeAlumni and is managed by Global Ties U.S. To gain access to ARC, sign up here. For questions and inquiries, contact

The ExchangeAlumni portal is managed by the Office of Alumni Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Through the alumni portal, you will have the opportunity to connect with peers, join groups, and view upcoming events, grants, and other career development opportunities. Start your registration process here. Contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at for troubleshooting and questions.

What is Bridge?

Bridge is a learning management system (LMS) ARC uses Bridge LMS software to host its professional growth library of career development resources and trainings for U.S. citizen ExchangeAlumni.

How do I know if I am a U.S. ExchangeAlumni?

Access to ARC is open only to U.S. citizen ExchangeAlumni. You can view a list of eligible U.S. ExchangeAlumni programs here. This list is not exhaustive and also includes alumni of non-U.S. Department of State exchanges like Peace Corps workers and Boren Scholarship recipients. Like other ARC applicants, your status as an ExchangeAlumni must be verified. In order to complete this process as quickly as possible, please email with proof of program participation immediately after submitting your form.

I’m an ExchangeAlumni, but not a U.S. citizen, can I be granted access to ARC?

No. ARC is only available to U.S. citizen ExchangeAlumni. We have a plethora of opportunities and resources for International ExchangeAlumni, and we welcome you to visit the Office of Alumni Affairs’ website at for more information.

What email should I use for ARC?

We recommend using your personal email address. Once you set up your account, the email and password you set will be your login every time you return to ARC. A .edu account is temporary and could affect your ability to access ARC.

What is the difference between a course and a downloadable resource in ARC?

A course typically requires two or more steps to complete, while a downloadable resource will only have one. If you have only signed up for a downloadable resource and not a course in ARC, you will be considered idle and may be archived.

Why was I archived? I signed up for the Networking Booklet in ARC.

The Networking Booklet is a downloadable resource! As there is no way to monitor your progress through the booklet (and you will have access to the booklet after your time in ARC ends), it is possible you were marked as idle and archived to make room for some alumni on the waitlist. It may also be the case that your window of access to ARC timed out. You should receive a notification when this occurs.

My time in ARC expired, but I didn’t complete my course. What should I do next?

If you are removed from ARC with an unfinished course, please email While we will do our best to provide an extension, there may be a waiting list and your request will not guarantee extra time in ARC. To avoid this happening, do your best to complete your courses within the 40-day limit. We will also send bi-weekly reminders after you have signed up for a course to keep you on track.

Why do I only have 40 days to access materials in ARC?

There are a limited number of seats available at any one time in Bridge, so unlimited access to ARC trainings is not possible. The time limit was created to ensure movement and allow more people to move off the waitlist.

Returning to ARC

  • After your time in ARC has expired, you may want to rejoin as new courses and materials are added. The process of rejoining is extremely similar to the process of initially signing up.
  • Fill out the request form again, available here. Make sure to use the same email that you used to log in to ARC.
  • After that, sit tight until you receive your “Welcome to ARC” email again. It may prompt you to set a password again, but don’t worry! You should still be able to log on with your original username and password by going straight to the login page here.
  • When you reenter ARC, your account and progress should be restored and new courses will be available in your “Learning Library”. Follow the same procedures detailed above for enrolling and navigating the new courses. Happy learning!

ARC is a digital extension of Career Connections and is sponsored and funded by the U.S. Department of State under a cooperative agreement implemented by Global Ties U.S. in partnership with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.